Borderlands 2 sir hammerlock gay
Borderlands 2 sir hammerlock gay

borderlands 2 sir hammerlock gay borderlands 2 sir hammerlock gay

Everything from gay video game characters, bisexual video game characters, trans video game characters, and every walk of LGBTQ video game characters are included in meaningful and important ways in the industry. Publishers and developers are pushing harder and harder than ever to include LGBTQ characters in video games to ensure that everyone from every walk of life feels and is properly seen.

borderlands 2 sir hammerlock gay

""i'm not homophobic but-" no shut up, you are." You can do that too, though I don't expect much from you, mr bioware.We are ranking the best and most popular LGBTQIA+ video game characters of all time! The LGBTQ representation in video games has grown exponentially over the previous decades. I can't stand people like you who just throw around labels, it's lazy and you never back up or explain your reasoning, like I did. If you're not willing to do that, then don't try to brand me with a label.

borderlands 2 sir hammerlock gay

"homophobic." I don't think you know what that word means, so I will allow you to, in your own words, not google, define it, then I want you to provide the quote in which I made a homophoic statement and then explain why you believe what I said to be homophobic. Ah but I forgot, we can't discuss things like sexuality, race, etc because everyone is always eager to assume anyone who talks about it without including "please don't lynch me" disclaimers in their posts must be a bigot. So to me, it feels as if it was done on purpose. I found it odd how every relationship that was mentioned until I got to Jack was a gay one. Odd as in, it's odd how it's seems to be such an important focus in the early game where as there was no mention of who was with who in the early game of the previous ones. Should've worded it better if you didn't want to come across as homophobic. Literally every game has straight couples and now there's this one game with about 6 confirmed homosexual characters and it's "in your face" :(((( boo hoo. 引用自 clueless:SuperCrayawn, you're the one saying the game was throwing it "in your face" and it's "odd". No, you are just stupid and you are incredibly emotionally fragile and quick to jumping to assumptions based on your own judgemental bias. I just asked out of curosity because I have played every other game and I don't recall this much mentioning of who is tapping who. Number 2, would you have flipped your ♥♥♥♥ as much if I had said, "wow, there such are a lot of Aussies in this borderlands"? Would you have automatically assumed I am anti aussie or something? Have we reached a point in socieity where everyone is so petrified of asking simple and honest questions that everyone automatically assumes it must be offensive? Grow up. "oh no look at me I can't take gay people in video games because I'm secretly unsure of my own sexuality and too afraid to comfront other possibilities other than the ones my ignorant parents educated me to be -every bro-dude-fedora user in this thread" I guess the first couple of hours were Anthony Burch? Though funnily enough, they drop the SJW pandering after the 2 hour. The little black haired girl, the blonde woman you meet at the start, hammerlock and that bald guy. I counted 4 mentions of gay relationships within the first hour of the game where such mentions were pretty irrelevent. Almost seems as if the writers had some kind of agenda.

Borderlands 2 sir hammerlock gay