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Lol zed build


It was too late now for me to regret what had occurred during the day. It is infallibly deadly, and it is horribly contagious. It is a coolie disease from Sumatra-a thing that the Dutch know more about than we, though they have made little of it up to date. They had gone only a mile or so from the cliff when the land sloped down into a wide shallow depression, where the ground was soft and wet Mist lay there, pale glimmering in the last rays of the sickle moon The dark shapes of the Orcs in front grew dim, and then were swallowed up What difference doessit make? Even if every-thing Ive said isswrong, can you think of a better way to live? (Our present offices, in the spanking new Conde Nast Building on Madison Avenue, are a little closer to that dream.)Youve asked that before.


He had, of course, expected whirring computers, telephones with TV attachments, smoothly efficient robots humming away, ultramodern furniture, and a general appearance reminiscent of a NASA clean room. Megan Hughes, Todd Ellerman, Joey Arone, and my incredibly patient wife, Priscilla Serling, for their aid with a word processor. Of the many books on the Titanic disaster I consulted for background material, by far the most valuable was Ballard's own The Discovery of the Titanic (Warner/Madison, 1987).


Mac Plus, which made rewriting easier if not pleasurable.

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(However, there really was an 1898 novel called Futility, which uncannily predicted the Titanic's fate.)Īaron Priest, agent and old friend, for his usual support, encouragement, and advice. Thus, the interior scenes, like the characters participating in the two expeditions, are totally imaginary. The truth about the exploration of the Titanic's interior is that no human being has ever entered the sunken ship. I must pay special thanks to Jared Kieling, an editor of consummate skill, who detoured me away from many false paths as we explored the Titanic together.Īdditional reference material included: The Titanic, End of a Dream by Wyn Craig Wade (Rawson Wade Publishers, 1979) The Maiden Voyage by Geoffrey Marcus (Viking, 1969) and Titanic, The Death and Life of a Legend by Michael Davie (Henry Holt, 1986). To all Titanic buffs, I recommend a work I found not only valuable but stirring: Charles Pellegrino's Her Name, Titanic (McGraw-Hill, 1988). (What has this to do with Spider Robinson? Patience, friend.)Ĭornell sensed the meeting was over and rose to leave. Years worth of Manhattan soot clung to the walls. When Analog magazine was housed over at Graybar Building on Lexington Avenue, our offices were far from plush.

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"Have someone in your office get me the names and address or addresses of his next of kin. And now he's off in Nova Scotia, living among the stunted trees and frost heaves, where nobody - not even short - memoried editors - can reach him easily. Truth to tell, I don't remember if he sent in a manuscript through the mail first, or telephoned for an appointment to visit the office. The poor kid would come in and gape at the piles of manuscripts, the battered old metal desks, and mountains of magazines and stacks of artwork, the ramshackle filing cabinets and bookshelves. I'd tell them to come on up, but not to expect too much. Norton, 1986), the most definitive account of them all, and Walter Lord's two brilliant classics, A Night to Remember (Holt, 1955) and The Night Lives On (William Morrow, 1986). Eaton's and Charles Haas's Titanic-Triumph and Tragedy (W. Other excellent research sources were John P.

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